Angel Exclusive
Angel Lucia is sought out by hundreds of people for her guidance. Her teaching breaks the silos of yoga styles and asanas alike and can be seen more as a deeply intuitive flow of the body and mind. With over twenty years of experience in teaching, Angel demonstrates a unique ability to unlock the body’s natural movement and rhythms that melt tension and gently create both strength and flexibility. Angel’s secret is her ability to foster an ambiance that sends her practitioners into a deep discovery of the self.
“As one of my cherished followers, I hope that you’ll join me on Zenevate where we can continue to connect and practice together.”
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Angel’s Channel
$24 / month after Free Trial
Over 80 videos from 5 to 108 minutes
Exclusive videos only available here
New videos each month
A variety of yoga styles and meditation
Yoga for Seniors
Zenevate Features
Zenevate is your online sanctuary… an environment without distractions where you can clear your mind and feel renewed. We will always be ad-free and will strive to create an inspiring environment for your practice.
Our yoga family has shaped Zenevate to meet the needs of yogis and yoginis. You can search for videos that fit your schedule or address a specific body part or goal. You will find your practice stats by week and all time, as well as your practice history. Zenevate’s goal is to help you cultivate a deeper practice that, in turn, allows you to create bigger positive change in the world.