Become your best self

yoga and meditation

for busy people


Finding your flow


You are a mover and shaker. You work hard and care deeply.

But you’re not always at your best, and the accumulation of stress gets the better of you.

Join Zenevate to operate from a place of strength and clarity in all you do!



Studies show that yoga and meditation are effective tools for physical and mental health when practiced regularly. Studies also show most people won’t stick to their self-care routine. With Zenevate you’re on the fast path to your best self. So let’s take a step….

Self-care is giving the world the best of you, instead of what’s left of you.
— Katie Reed
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Designed for busy people

laptop and mobile devices

You need flexibility

You can’t make it to scheduled classes several times a week, and some days, you’re facing a choice between your self-care and sleep. With Zenevate, you can practice anytime, anywhere for 5 minutes to 108, on a mat, at your desk, or even on a bus.

woman meditating in lotus position with lotus flowers hovering at shoulder level

You need relief

Rather than using yoga and meditation to escape, what if there was a practice that would get you centered before a big presentation, to focus, or to step into your creativity? Find the practice to optimize your energy for any situation.

hand offering a lotus flower

You need guidance

You don’t have time to decide what video to watch or research how to develop a practice. You can let that burden go! Share your goals and conditions and delight in the ease of following a customized plan.

medal of achievement

You need encouragement

See your weekly and lifetime practice stats. Scroll your history and find your favorite videos. For added support and accountability, book a private session with a Zenevate guide!




Find a practice based on how much time you have available or the results you need right now. Find practices to relieve BACK PAIN, help you SLEEP, alleviate STRESS, or increase CONCENTRATION for your workday.

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How it Works

user icon with lock

Step 1

Subscribe to Zenevate

hand making a choice between  options

Step 2

Share your needs

practicing yoga

Step 3

Follow your plan

exalted person cheering with a heart above head

Step 4

Feel great


classes for everyone





Gentle Yoga











Yoga for Kids

Yoga for Seniors

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Made with love

Created by minority women balancing career and family, Zenevate addresses the challenges of everyday people. We believe everyone deserves balance and wellbeing. Learn more ….